Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesdays with Taw

When I had my first "post" whipple surgery appointment with my medical oncologist-Dr. Sharon Ondreyco...the appointment where I learned my stage of Pan-Can and what the game plan would be as far as treatments...I found out that I would be going through radiation again. 

7 years ago I had radiation with a great rad-onco doctor...she was professional and knew what she was doing.  She kept her relationship on a professional level-never straying to far from the "topic" of why I was there.  She then moved a few hours south and a new doctor "tried" to fill her shoes. I was never impressed by him...I don't know if it was the smoke smell on his breath, or his arrogance that turned me off. All I do know is that I saw him for 2 visits and never returned. 

So...when Dr.O asked about my "previous" doctor and then gave me this "Oh I hope this girl doesn't really like this doctor look"...I questioned her on who SHE would recommend.  She immediately mentioned a Dr. Taw...in fact she stated she will be meeting with patients in my office tomorrow and I want you to meet her.  She went on to tell me that I think you will like her...but you decide and if not I will recommend someone else.  However I do think you will like Dr. Taw.

Out the door and into my Mom's car...I was overwhelmed, anxious and now excited to meet yet another new doctor the following day.   I went to bed that night praying that it was all in God's hands...if I was meant to be a patient with this Dr. Taw...then tomorrow morning I would get a sign and know that I was in good hands and that our doctor/patient relationship would be nothing but the best. 

So sure enough...I arrived the next day and in walks the sweetest, nicely dressed,  most-petite little doctor.  She began jotting down notes writing a mile a minute just as fast as I spoke and relived "my story".  It was then that the "stranger-barely know you" attitude immediately changed.  She asked if I believed in God?!  And could tell by my story...and reassured me that I did in fact have a positive attitude.  That is what gets people through their battles. 

Dr. Taw went on to listen to my other "personal" stuff.  She then shared her "personal" stuff...from kids, parents, divorce, death and HOPE.  Hope that is what we have to hang onto.  She reassured me that doctors gather a LOT of statistics and read into a lot...but they are just numbers...not to go off of that, or only hold onto those numbers.  Instead it's all about attitude and the will to survive.  She then went onto share about her sister...15 years ago was given 6 months to live.  She has fought stage 4 lung cancer and is still fighting on.  Just goes to show you how amazing our God is...he is the ultimate healer and you've got to remain hopeful and keep the Faith.

So once we were done with our over 30 minute "meet and greet"...she had to come up with a game plan for radiation.  I got up from the chair and she asked..."Can I hug you?"  Of course...I am a hugger too. I walked down the hall and out into the parking lot to my car.  I sat down in the drivers seat and cried...I knew that "she" would be my new rad-onco doctor. I fell in love with her-not in a romantic way...but in a way that I knew she would be the one to care for me...that she had a desire and a compassion to help others.  She had a story to tell...and she was living proof that God does have earthly angels to help us on this sometimes cruel world. 

It was a few short weeks later that I was getting my first of 25 radiation treatments underway. I drove for the first 9 to her "east-side" location until her "west-side" location would open up.  I meet with her every Tuesday...and I told her these are my "Tuesdays with Taw". 

Today marks radiation treatment #16.  It was also another extraordinary Tuesday with Taw.  The love I feel from MY doctor is evident...YES...there are doctors out there that are in it still for the "right" reasons.

After I got my vitals taken and Dr. Taw was counting all my treatments...we then got on the personal level.  I asked her about the future and concerns I have for my girls and their health...then she shared more about her family. She then went on about her sister that I knew about with lung "C"...then how she has lost a sister to ovarian "C". She shared more about attitude and how it plays such a major part in the outcome of your battle. How life can be so much different with negativity and if you have a poor attitude the outcome isn't always favorable.

Then she asked-"Have you ever had a lemon-head?"  I looked at her at first...with a "huh" look-she then said again...you know a LEMON-HEAD.  OH! Yes I said the candy...She went on to explain why she looks at life like a lemon-head.  First you start to suck on the lemon-head and it is very sour...but the longer you do...the sweeter it gets. Like life...there will be tough times "sour" and we have to chose to remain positive...and it becomes easier or you'll get an understanding of why things happened the way that they did "sweeter" and it will make perfect sense. 

When I got up to leave today...I told her thank you...and I would see her again soon...after I gave her a hug...she looked at me and said, "Jamie, you know that I love you!"  I nodded my head and answered..."Yes, I do...I love you too and tell everyone about YOU!"  I put on my shades...walked down the corridor of chairs and wiped my eyes once I got into my car.

Everything happens for a reason and I do believe that God only gives us what we can handle.  Sometimes I wish he didn't trust me so much-ha! But I do know in the end I will be stronger because of the trials and tribulations that I have gone through.  I thank God for giving me the opportunity to meet Dr. Taw and to become one of her patients.  She has a heart bigger than Texas, a story to tell, and the compassion that I wish so many other medical professionals would have.

I will now look at life as a "LEMON-HEAD" and can't wait until my next Tuesday with Taw.

Dr.Taw thank you for being a reminder that: "Attitude is a little thing that makes a BIG difference"

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. So grateful and amazed for such an amazing doc!!!! Praising the Lord with you....
