Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Today...We WILL fight

Today was like any ordinary day that I have had lately...take my girls to with a bit of nausea and the bone pain from Neulasta. But as like most days I am able to for the most part...ignore the minor glitches and look for the positives in my day.  So onto today...I must back up to yesterday. 

After I received my Neulasta injection...I headed to Sprouts to get some veggies, and such.  As I thought about leaving out of the "left" exit (which I was parked closet to)...I chose to walk out of the "right" exit. Something caught my eye...a FREE magazine for all to read that had Jessica Alba on the cover.  It wasn't just the fact that I enjoyed reading her story about "clean" eating...more so the article in there about a cancer SURVIVOR. He also blogs :)  I couldn't get enough of reading it...instead of napping before I got the girls...I jumped up and started juicing like a crazy girl.  I have been juicing as I have mentioned before...but WOW! I was on a roll.  I usually just juice enough for that particular moment...instead I juiced enough for a few days.

Long story short...he had stage 3 colon cancer...was told he had to do chemo-he said NO!!! And instead changed his lifestyle and went to juicing and eating healthy.  That was 10 years ago...he is now healthy and happy-married with 2 kiddos.  What an inspiration! Check out his blog if you so wish to @:  I hope that I inspire he has me!

So onto TODAY- I passed on the info I read to not one...but 2 who have been recently diagnosed and are in a fight for their life.  One I got the opportunity to chat with via Face book...the other one is a VERY dear friend's cousin...hope I didn't talk your ear off M.

I don't claim to be a preacher, doctor, or expert...just a girl who has beat cancer once...and is beating it AGAIN!

My little MUST remain POSITIVE. If there is negativity...get rid of it! Your own mind has a LOT to do with your overall well being. 
FAITH...whether you believe in GOD or not...that is between you and yours...but have FAITH in YOURSELF too!!!
Keep FIGHTING...Don't give up...Don't think about for TODAY! "organized"(if you want to be proactive and your own advocate)...but don't worry about the little things...JUICE...LOVE...LAUGH...and remember what is IMPORTANT!

So here's wishing M and C the strength to FIGHT ON...YOU can and YOU will do this! Attitude is EVERYTHING! (or at least a BIG part of fighting the fight)

I'm seriously thinking about riding my bike up to the top of the "hill" here and shouting-
Here's to LOTS more juicing...and LESS "C"

1 comment:

  1. Way to stay positive! I have always heard amazing things about juicing, and I still want to try it! Keep your chin up and attitude strong and you will walk away blessed! You are amazing. Lots of love.
