Wednesday, January 23, 2013


Tonight was just another reminder of how proud I am to be a "BUCKEYE" girl.  There are the outsiders that may laugh-when you say you are from BUCKEYE.  But I can honestly say it is a good thing.  I look-back when BUCKEYE was just "main street" and anything else was just farm-fields and people thought we really lived in the boon-docks.  Growing up "out here" you would appreciate when you got to go into "town" it seems like BUCKEYE has grown so much and we don't have to drive so far to get anything.  Not all change is bad :) 

This isn't what this post is really about...its about a community that has ALWAYS been there for me...and my family. I can think back as if it were yesterday...Feb.10,2003 and as we pulled away from the First Southern Baptist Church on the way to the grave to lay my Daddy to rest...seeing all the many familiar faces and not so many familiar faces-saluting the fire truck that held my Daddy's casket...standing there at almost complete those waving American flags.  It was that week of after he passed that hundreds gathered in my Mama's front yard...brought dinners...and offered their condolences  that we were reminded...WE are BUCKEYE and we all stand together!

Then I had my Breast Cancer battle in 2005...and then again-reminded that WE are matter how BIG the fight...I had lots of support. I was able to fight that fight and I did it with obviously not only my own determination and strength that God gave me...but with the help of everyone that was in "my" corner.

Now Round #2 with Cancer...this one a much greater battle.  Yes I look pretty good if I should say so myself...but I have to keep living life and not focusing on what is "really" going on. If I sat and dwelled each and everyday about my "PAN-CAN"...then I would be a blubbery-mess. Instead I have the attitude that I have already beat this...I know that in the next few weeks once chemo and radiation start my strength will be tested once again...but I know I CAN and I WILL do this!!!

Which leads me back to the once little farming community of BUCKEYE.  It truly is TRUE...when one of us is FIGHTING...we are all fighting together.  I like to just "show-up" to the T-shirt/decal pickups.  I never tell anyone I'm just makes it that much more special. So tonight when I saw many people that I have known for MANY just reminded me that I still have so MANY in my corner.  I appreciate all the LOVE, SUPPORT, and PRAYERS that you all have shown/given me.  I am proud to have you in "MY" corner and thank you BUCKEYE for sticking together as a community!

Buckeye is a town located west of Phoenix, AZ. Population of over 51,000. Has great weather year-round...if you're brave enough to stay during the summer months :)
A large amount of Mexican food restaurants, and your typical fast-food chains...Thank goodness for the new CAFE 25:35.
You get to see a tractor or 2 driving down the road from time to time.
Best part...growing up you can't wait to get out of town...but it's this community that find yourself always wanting to come "Home" and proud to be a part of. (I know many of us probably talked about not being able to get out of BUCKEYE soon enough...but now we are "OLDER" and have kids of our own...that I wouldn't want it any other way)

1 comment:

  1. I am so with you, Jamie. I love Buckeye, and you are one of the best examples of what Buckeye produces-- beautiful hearts and souls. Love to you and prayers...
