Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"Oh you're TOO young"

OK! This post is a little rant on how I feel about "medical" professionals and their great ability to look into their crystal balls that they carry in their lab coats-NOT!

I myself have witnessed this SEVERAL times...and just the other night witnessed it again with a family member who was in the er. Out of the mouth of the un-named DOCTOR...he replied...

"What are you worried about...she's too young it's not like she has cancer"
I seriously wanted to slap him...until I remembered that it is a felony to assault a health-care worker. Ha! NO but seriously...STOP saying someone is TOO young that it couldn't be cancer. Last time I checked and I have been around a LOT of doctors...that they DO NOT carry crystal balls around predicting and looking into the future. 
Instead MOST doctors are just your everyday, average human-beings that have a compassion in healing and helping those in their time of illness or need. 
I find it so very disturbing that there are still doctors out their that "think" they know just about everything about everybody...but unfortunately those "arrogant" ones weren't reminded in med-school that they need to listen to the PATIENT...only the patient for the most-part knows what is "abnormal" to how they normally feel.
Which leads me back to August the hospital for 6 days with "acute-pancreatitis"-so that GI doctor said...but wouldn't look outside of the box...or didn't take necessary steps to determining what the cause really was...even with my CANCER history...instead told me your too young so it's NOT cancer. Well DUH! Look at the films, DUDE...better yet why weren't my CANCER tumor-markers drawn (simple blood test)...instead people get this tunnel vision.
Those of you that are in the medial profession...PLEASE always continue to think outside of the box...don't get the tunnel vision and don't forget you are there to helps have a heart and the compassion to make a difference.  If you happen to see any of those "crystal-ball" people...tell them to leave their fortune-telling skills at home and instead treat the patient instead of telling them what is NOT the cause or the case...even if it could ultimately be.
Until next the advocate for YOURSELF-you have to! Last time I checked...CANCER does NOT have an "AGE" that it NO, being YOUNG doesn't matter!!!


  1. so so true my friend! continue to give them all hell :-)

  2. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?



