Thursday, May 15, 2014

Introducing: Thursdays with Taryn

I had the honor of meeting one on one with David of Chicken Soup for the Soul's The Cancer Book...on Tuesday.  I have mentioned to most all my doctors that I "one" of my favorite doctors at CTCA arranged for me to meet with David.  He gave me a few suggestions what I can do...and one that made my face light up was quite obvious that I have to go for it. 

You life has dealt a LOT with "C"...but I am also so much more than dealing with "C". I am Jamie. I am 36. I am a daughter, sister, aunt, and friend. More importantly I am a MAMA. 

My girls have had to deal with "C" also a lot of their lives watching me go through it all...from surgeries, chemo, radiation, blood draws, injections and so much more...but then again we have made so many other memories that don't involve that nasty "C". 

My girls are 2 very different little girls...anyone that truly knows my girls knows what I am talking about. Taryn is my gentle little lady...and Maesyn is my strong-willed little one.  Taryn loves to express herself through writing, and Maesyn although would rather be riding on a horse...she is also a very good artist. 

So this brings me back to the conversation I had with David...he made mention that why don't I have my girls be guest bloggers on my blog.  Thursdays with Taryn and Mondays with Maesyn.   There are no rules, limits, or stipulations...I have given the girls the opportunity to express themselves freely.  They can write 2 words, 2 paragraphs, 2 pages, or draw what is on their little minds.

We aren't just about dealing with "C"...we are about living the life that God has given us.  So without further delay...let me introduce you to someone extra special.


Jrenae Daniels's photo.

Hello! My name is Taryn . My family and friends sometimes call me "TT".  I am 11 years old and finishing my 6th grade year of middle school.  I enjoy showing livestock, singing, dancing, soccer, playing my guitar,  gymnastics, and volleyball. Every Thursday I will be blogging. Let’s  begin…


So much depends


A Strong  cancer


Coated with tears and


Beside the two

Little Girls.


One of my assignments in my writing class was to write a poem that  has a special meaning to you. I had a  hard time thinking about what I should do. So I told myself write about a survivor like my mom. So I picked up my pencil and started writing. And that’s what came out. A few  ways  I express my feelings is through writing, singing, and sports. -Taryn
I asked Taryn what was the meaning of her above passage was...she simply said...NGU (never give up).  There is more to being a strong survivor...going through chemo and all the matter what  you have your 2 little girls.  This my just a glimpse of my little TT.

1 comment:

  1. This was absolutely beautiful, Taryn. Thanks for sharing your heart with us. Much love in Him---
