Thursday, February 20, 2014

Right is Right

Over the past few years I have often wondered how one can think "wrong is right"...and that "right is wrong"...I can't believe some people at times...this world that we live in. It saddens me to see the way people live. The way that others treat people.  The way that they go about their day like nothing is wrong. 

It bothers me that people are so at ease just to throw so much away...whether it is a good job, their homes, their family, or their life. I am not talking about people that have come into hardships...I am talking about those that are able to change...or able to live the life and they simply don't care.  What is wrong with our society today?  Years ago it was that everyone cared...nowadays that isn't the case so much. What happened to doing the right thing?

I once knew a person that would get irate when I wasn't "loyal" to them because I wouldn't take their side...and I would respond to them by saying...when you are doing something I don't believe in or don't agree with...I don't care who you me what you will...but I know right is right and wrong is wrong. It isn't about being "loyal" it is about being an honest human being and standing up for what you believe in and what you know is right.

Well all I can say is this...Thank you to my Dad and Mom for raising me in a home that was filled with unconditional love...a home where we believed in God...worked for what we had...and knew right from wrong.

Until next time...recognize that being "loyal" is one thing...and doing right is another. 

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