Monday, July 8, 2013

Milestone: Happy Birthday T

When I was diagnosed on 11.30.12 with Pancreatic Cancer...I didn't know, nor did my doctors know my prognosis.  We hoped and prayed for the "best"...but in the back of every one's minds weren't sure and knew about the "worst".  I was emotionally drained one night as I laid in the hospital room at Banner T-Bird and cried.  I was praying that I would be around for Christmas...and my daughters' birthdays.  So since "D-Day" as I refer diagnosis day to...I have celebrated Christmas, New Years (in the hospital), Valentine's Day, Easter, Mother's Day and look forward to years to come of all the other holidays that we will celebrate together.

Today however is especially a special day for me.  Chemo was moved to tomorrow just for this special reason...TODAY is my oldest daughter's 11th Birthday.  Taryn Rae was born at 3:07pm on July 8, 2002...weighing in at 8#8oz. She has changed my life to see what really matters.  It is the simple little things we get to do together that mean so much.  She has shown me what "I-LOVE-YOU" means.  She loves me unconditionally as I do the same for her.  I am so proud of who she has become and all that she has ahead of her. 

Ask anyone that knows her and they will describe her as a beautiful little girl, who is sweet, and all that she has gone through in her 11 years...she is wise beyond her years. 

THANK YOU God...for giving me the courage to fight as I am able to celebrate another birthday with my BIG girl.

Today if you are able to...hug your children young or old and tell them what they mean to YOU!
Children are a precious gift from God and I am grateful that He blessed me with 2 beautiful baby girls that call me Mama.

Until next time...Here is to MANY more birthdays!

Taryn Rae-
Today you turn 11 years old...where has all the time gone? I can remember Dr. Kennedy placing you in my arms and thinking oh wow!  I reflect back on all our special memories...from bike rides, camping trips, school events, doing girlie stuff, to all your dance recitals.  You have always made me proud and are such a simple little girl.  You are happy with whatever we are doing and appreciate what you have.  Thanks for being YOU.  You make me so proud to be called your Mama.  I know as you get older life will get a little harder...but always be yourself.  Don't change for true!  Keep a smile on your face and know that YOU are loved...very much!  Forever always-Mama

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