Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Nov: Day 25&26

I have to get into my "fight" mode...this song was one that "Mama-Chick" (Carol) and I would blare as we cruised to radiation through our breast "C" battle...so I am cranking it even louder than ever. 

Thank you for all you readers out there :) My "hits" to this blog keep climbing...that only means one thing.  I am reaching more and more people.  That was/is my goal. So I guess I can confidently say I am making a difference. 

I thought I should sit down and take a minute to update you all...since I got so many texts/emails today making sure I was ok since you all hadn't heard from me.  Yes...I am still here.

If only you could get into my mind for just a moment and see what all I am going through...from appointment after appointment...trying to avoid getting sick to keep my white counts up...enjoying life with my girls...to the wondering of what this chemo will be like.  Well let me share some of this with you.

Good news is that my white count has come up as of yesterday...I need YOU all to continue to pray that it continues to do so.  I will have my blood drawn again on Sunday at 12 (noon) to check the numbers. If all goes as planned I will begin my 1st round of chemo on Monday. 

This is the plan...I will be at the clinic being taken care of my some of the best doctors that people from around the country come to...I will be there for approximately 4 hours and the chemo will be Oxaliplatin then I will be sent home with the chemo pump and that will have the 5FU (Fluorouracil) for 2 days...YES I will wear it for 48 hours straight (YES...even to sleep, bath, etc, etc, etc.)  The side effects of these 2 are the typical "chemo" stuff...nausea/vomiting, "D", loss of appetite, etc. But with medication I am praying that I will continue to control all of that. HOWEVER there is a BIG issue with the oxaliplatin-I will call it "O" from now on...NEUROPATHY and what all it does to the "GI-Tract". 

Here is where it gets tricky...for 4-5 days after every chemo treatment (expected to have 6 months going one week...off the next...) I am to drink/eat ONLY room temperature things.  If I do not follow this "room-temperature" advice...they kindly told me today it will feel like razors going down my GI tract.  This is quite devastating seeing how I LOVE ICE...I also eat LOTS of cold stuff, drink smoothies/fresh fruit juice like no other, and ummm yea...pretty much like my food warm if not eating the previous mentioned items.  Oh and not to mention the main concern with me is my nutrition from being a "whipple" patient...so yes I HAVE to keep my weight on...all while eating/drinking "room-temperature" stuff.  ANY SUGGESTIONS??????  I can think of some stuff...but really I would love more suggestions. (hint, hint!)

Oh and another fun part of this...I am NOT to use the refrigerator or freezer without gloves...on day 4 after chemo I am to "experiment" to see if I can touch the refrigerator without gloves...if the neuropathy is "ok" I am to proceed to the freezer and try to hold an ice cube. If the pain is not tolerable...I am to wait till the next day and try again...this should be quite entertaining...but I really am praying not too painful. 

Today I was reminded of the harsh reality of what I am facing...the reality of that this is known to the medical world as "metastatic" pancreatic cancer...I will NOT call it that.  I am not going to think negative.  Again I will think of it as this way...the cancer cells got really bored at the pancreas...so they packed up and moved on for a vacation. Well THIS GIRL (that would be JAMIE) is putting that vacation of nasty cells to a screeching HALT!!!

I know that GOD is in control of this situation...I have heard of the many stories of those that have lost their battles...but folks...I am here to tell you this...I have met SURVIVORS of this disease (specific-Pancreatic C)...that have lived for several years...BEATING the odds. I want to be one of those beating "odds" too!!! 

After my chemo of 6 months it is very possible that I will be on a maintenance regimen for the rest of my life to keep those "nasty" cells under control. I am ok with that...as long as I am here for my girls. My heart breaks as I type this post even to think of the thought of the "worst"...I will continue to stand strong and give this battle all that I have to keep fighting. 

I have beat the odds when dealing with ALL my cancer issues...I am not about to let it get me now.  I feel confident in my medical team and that we have "captured" this nonsense on my liver early enough to stop its lovely little vacation. 

Enough about that...I look forward to tomorrow...for it is a new day!!!

I want to give a special THANK YOU to Joni and Julie (life-long friends) who work at Stotz Equipment where by my surprise yesterday they held a bake sale for me.  They were able to raise money and then Stotz Equipment matched their total.  I truly appreciate all the support...knowing that complete strangers are helping me out is unexplainable!!!  This Mama and her 2 babies are very much appreciative. THANK YOU!!!!!!!

So until next time...as you are planning your Thanksgiving meals...would you think of me and what I can eat at room temperature?...leave suggestions in the comment box :)

Giving Thanks for God has given me another day to live...to be a Mama...a daughter...a granddaughter...a sister...an auntie...a friend...and a "C" fighting ninja!

Keep the prayers and positive vibes coming my way.


  1. Try goPicnic meals for ideas (or even order their meals). They are high in protein and low in preservatives and are all designed to be eaten at room temperature. I travel a lot for work and make sure to bring these with me on the plane. I just ordered a bunch of them, so I will drop some off when I am out in Buckeye for Thanksgiving visiting family if you would like. And they frequently will use groupon to offer deals.

    Marissa Hauk

  2. Keep fighting, Jamie. You are amazing! Thanking God for you this Thanksgiving. Praying for you and your girls, Amy

    P.S. I love the GoPicnic meals, too. PB is also a great! :)
