Sunday, November 3, 2013

November: Day 3

Well I have always said I was NOT...nor am I going to be one of the statistics.  I can't say I don't believe in them...because lets face it...they go off of actual studies/cases. HOWEVER I am not the "normal" patient.  I can not nor will I thrive off of what others are saying statistically.  I believe that God has a purpose for me on this earth.  I have fought and beat breast cancer...and I CAN and I WILL beat pancreatic cancer.  I am fortunate or maybe unfortunate depending who you ask...that I had the pancreaticoduodenectomy-say that 10 time...which is the whipple procedure. So I have my "own" statistics...that are off the charts-ha!
But if you must is what is being said...not to make you sad and pity me...but reality is this disease is horrible!!!
According to the American Cancer Society's estimates for Pancreatic Cancer in the United States for 2013 are:
About 45,220 people (22,740 men and 22,480 women) will be diagnosed with Pan-Can
About 38,460 people (19,480 men and 18,980 women) will die from Pan-Can
Rates of Pan-Can have been slowly increasing over the past 10 years.
The lifetime risk of developing Pan-Can is about 1 in 78.
According to the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network-Pancreatic cancer has the lowest five-year relative SURVIVAL rate of ALL major cancers. For every 100 diagnosed ONLY 6 will survive after 5 years.
We mustn't be afraid...we must be PROACTIVE.  We have to spread the word and make awareness the key. 
Until next time...what are you going to do to be proactive? Think about it!

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